It's OK, Shake, because whoever you decide that you are, I still gonna love you. But just not in a gay way, because God makes all people in different sizes and shapes and problems, but he only makes the people he hates gay. That's you. You it, boy. You gay!
There are no words to describe this...... well, describe what I saw. See? I can't even find a NOUN to describe it... "it" is the best I can do. Impersonal pronoun. Now, officially, "it" is called Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters, but after watching it on Joox, I've decided that that name isn't even up to the challenge of describing it. It's even moved beyond "good" and "bad"... it just is, and it... is... ow. Truly, it is a marvel of modern technology that I can be paid to design fancy buildings and resort developments, and be able to watch it simultaneously, without detracting from either activity.
Either that, or am I finally acquiring a dual personality.
About fucking time, I wanted one years ago.
Moving on, this is my first of what will hopefully be many pop-free days. Yesterday, I enjoyed a coke, and two ginger ales (what? I was thirsty, and it was the House season premiere). Today? Even though I put a full tank of gas in the car, and I was at the Petro in Dallas, which has the nice selection of Jones.... I resisted. Shut up, that's a big step for me!
The walking yesterday, by the end of the night, took a lot out of my legs... which is really, really sad, since I used to walk double that, on a much steeper slope, every day when I was in college (before I got lazy and started taking the bus). Much like Rufus, the 13th Apostle, I used to walk everywhere, before the advent of money and convenience into my life. Now, I like my convenience, and in a lot of cases it's necessary for me to park this close to my office (emergencies, and whatnot).
However, I am going to be instituting a new policy in my life, wife-permitting (of course). I'm going to go to work half an hour early, and park in my usual spot at the back of the building. I am then going to take my new edible iPod shuffle and my headphones, and walk for half an hour at a good clip, and just... just see what's around here. I'm right next to the Heritage Hills area, which is chock full of wicked steep roads, old houses and beautiful landscaping. I'm right near all of the various riverside parks, including Riverside Park. I'm right near the train yards and the coliseum, and all sorts of fun downtown things I've never seen (at least when I wasn't drunk).
Averaging 1.33 steps per second, that's about 2400 steps, which will... almost double my current number of steps in the average day.
That's very depressing.
Enjoy the movie!