Kazakhstan is the greatest country in the world!
All the other countries are run by little girls!
Kazakhstan is the number 1 exporter of potassium!
All other Central Asian countries have inferior potassium!
Kazakhstan is the greatest country in the world!
All other countries is the home of the gays!
I couldn't think of a quote to start this off with.
So, the weekend starts off with me wrangling both kids while the little woman goes to stay with her mom so they can go to the Farmer's Market early the next morning. No problemmo. Throkette, my lovely one-year-old daughter, however, elected to spend most of the night tossing, turning, and kicking me in the face after the 1am feeding (where we usually crash on the futon so she'll stay asleep). Not my best night for sleep.
Saturday, we head to the IPE... the Interior Provincial Exhibition. 20,000 people descend on a carrot-and-cheese town of less than 5,000 people. There's cows and horses and clowns and lumberjacks and baking and giant vegetables and ferris wheels (which my son is ONE INCH TOO SHORT TO GO ON, YARG!) and there's tractors and chuck-wagon races and food booths and lots and lots of people. I was almost dead by the time we headed home.
So Sunday, I head to work while the family heads to the farm. I work with my boss for hours and hours on Plans B, C and D for several projects which are in the process of being FUCKED, and then I head out to the farm. I'm not there for an hour when my father-in-law walks into the living room with a loaded shotgun and says to me "Hey, I got an idea, wanna come outside for a minute?" Now, he's had lot and lots of chances to kill me over the years, and during those first few years I wouldn't have blamed him for it, so I trusted him this time. He used me to flush out some starlings in the cornfield so he could shoot them (one round of birdshot, four dead starlings, THATS cool...) When I come back inside, my wife and mother-in-law are both laughing, and saying "I can't BELIEVE you went outside with him like that. 'I've got a gun, wanna come outside?'"
Then home, laundry and dishes, bed, midnight feeding, face-kicking, shower, and I'm back at work. A long weekend, and I work two of the three days. Yippie-ki-yay, motherfu*blam*! Had a great thing happen this morning... some sort of prefrontal burst of Soundgarden-induced creativity, but I finally wrote, in my brain, the end of Book 2 and nearly all of Book 3 of one of my stories, New World Samurai. Been trying to end Book 2 properly, and been trying to muddle through Book 3, and it all happened this morning.
yay for an ending to NWS!
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