Friday, July 20, 2007

God-dammit, I Just Swore!

What's the big fucking deal bitch? It doesn't hurt anybody..... fuck fuckety fuck fuck fuck!

You know, I spend a lot of time on my blog ranting about the news, so I'm going to start this one off with something that is, unfortunately, real, and then I'll try and unwind everyone with hilarity, and if you don't fucking laugh, don't come crying to me.

US Senate Commerce Committee today passed a bill that would allow the FCC to fine broadcasters for slip of the tongue expletives, negating a ruling by federal appeals court in New York that commission's policy on 'fleeting expletives' is arbitrary and capricious. 'A mandate by Congress that a "fleeting expletive" can now be found indecent will create a vast chilling effect on broadcast speech, the advocacy group Center for Democracy and Technology claims. CDT points out that prior to this bill and the FCC's policy change, the FCC exercised discretion in determining which utterances were indecent, and consistently found that one-time uses of curse words were not indecent.'

Now, the accidental curse on the radio can be fined by up to $10,000. The accidental, 'incidental' obscenity has always, when found to be truly accidental, been allowed to slide. Now, not so much. At the reason? You guessed it... "think of the children".

Some comments from Slash echoed my beliefs: See, it's not the inappropriate words that are the problem, it's the inappropriate behaviour. There's no difference between your seven year old telling to the teacher to 'fuck off' and the seven year old telling the teacher rudely to 'go away'. Until people see that it's rude and inappropriate behaviour that is the problem, not words, we'll always be stuck in the 1950s. This is entirely a matter of parenting. Period, the end, thank you! Most parents swear inappropriately and so their children learn to do so as well. And most parents use fear, not respect, to keep children in line. They use an appeal to authority, not one to respect, to guide their behavior. On the other hand, kids might think it is okay to swear, and think of the chaos if the curse word is accompanied by a nipple. Surely we can't have this as it will lead to all kinds of promiscuity, etc. Apocalyptic. Catastrophe! Better the kids see people getting their legs etc blown off. It's good clean wholesome fun that will prepare them for living in the modern world.

F***ing Americans, I... aww, DAMMIT! Who bleeped me?!


Allrighty, that was one distraction... here comes another..


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with what you said about that law...but it's the U.S., we have to get used to our leaders being complete idiots.*shudder*
...ok, mostly I'm just commenting because that Nutrigrain commercial was FUCKING HILARIOUS!!!!
Sadly, that guy reminds me of someone I know.
*watches again*